This template counts the total quantity for each line item included in a batch of orders
Template without line breaks
This version of the template can be cut 'n' pasted into the app's template editor and has had line breaks removed to ensure the CSV is properly formed:
"Variant Title","Variant Quantity"
{% assign variant_list = '' %}{% for order in orders %}{% for line in order.line_items %}{% assign variant_list = variant_list | append: line.variant_id | append: '::' %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}{% assign variant_list = variant_list | split: '::' | uniq %}{% assign csv = '' %}{% for v in variant_list %}{% assign v_count = 0 %}{% assign v_int = v | plus: 0 %}{% for order in orders %}{% for line in order.line_items %}{% assign variant_id_int = line.variant_id | plus: 0 %}{% if v_int == variant_id_int %}{% assign variant_title = line.product.title | append: ' - ' | append: line.variant.title %}{% comment %} Increment the variant count {% endcomment %}{% assign v_count = v_count | plus: line.quantity %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}
{% assign csv = csv | append: '"' | append: variant_title | append: '","' | append: v_count | append: '"' %}{% endfor %}
{{ csv }}
Template with line breaks
For those who want to use the template as a foundation and build their own CSV, this version with line breaks is much easier to read and work with:
"Variant Title","Variant Quantity"
{% assign variant_list = '' %}
{% for order in orders %}
{% for line in order.line_items %}
{% assign variant_list = variant_list | append: line.variant_id | append: '::' %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign variant_list = variant_list | split: '::' | uniq %}
{% assign csv = '' %}
{% for v in variant_list %}
{% assign v_count = 0 %}
{% assign v_int = v | plus: 0 %}
{% for order in orders %}
{% for line in order.line_items %}
{% assign variant_id_int = line.variant_id | plus: 0 %}
{% if v_int == variant_id_int %}
{% assign variant_title = line.product.title | append: ' - ' | append: line.variant.title %}
{% comment %} Increment the variant count {% endcomment %}
{% assign v_count = v_count | plus: line.quantity %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign csv = csv | append: '"' | append: variant_title | append: '","' | append: v_count | append: '"
' %}
{% endfor %}
{{ csv }}